Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ever Have one of "Those Days"

I feel like I have had "one of those days" for a whole week! Work has been busy, Dave has been gone, Haley is at Youth Conference, and my HOUSE IS A MESS! I can't even seem to catch up. I think the kids go behind me and mess up everything I do. I get home from work every day and do 3 to 4 loads of laundry, the dishes, and pick up the upstairs. I get home the next day and all of that is undone, and I start all over. I can't wait for school to start! At least if I come home when the kids get home from school I can prevent messes before they start! Maybe then I can catch up! I had everything under control at the beginning of the summer. My house was so clean I had to search for other things to clean! I cleaned out drawers, under couches, organized bookshelves and DVD's, steam cleaned the carpets, cleaned out my closet, and even went downstairs (I hate going in the basement - not sure why) and ultra cleaned the whole family room down there(Reagan would have gotten much better grades last year if she had turned in all of the completed homework I found shoved in various corners in the family room). So the count down begins..... Only 2 weeks til school starts and I can get my life back in order!


Linda said...

Wow, Steph. I am impressed. I have never once in my life had to LOOK for things to clean. There is always PLENTY to do right in front of my face! PS-I read your past posts and you have inspired me to update my food storage. I have lots of wheat, milk, honey, etc...but my 90 day supply of everything we normally eat is getting used fast. Thanks for the inspiration. Can I borrow some of your energy??

Perry Family said...

Steph, if I were as organized as you, I might have more kids! :) Don't tell mark we are done!!

Razch said...

I'm sure my mom is excited for our school to start too!
haha :-)

Brackett Clan said...

Oh please Steph. You need to come visit my house again some time! You'll feel much better!! I feel good when I get all the laundry done. That doesn't stay that way very long eather! Your house is ALWAYS beautiful! You have alot going on.

LaRae said...

You should see my house right now. I got home yesterday from "big girl's" cousin camp with Katie & Madi. While we were gone, Brad, Ben, & Lacey (especially Lacey) have been partying all weekend. Lacey has set up "house" in just about every room & has dragged out every doll & doll accessory she can find or create. There is not one clean room in the house (well - maybe that little bathroom by the office) - and I have a pile of laundry to do. Oh well - like you said, school starts soon enough.